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List of Works

Concert music is available for free download. If you want to use this music for performance use the contact form.

Music for Theatre

Leaf Storm (2015)

Piano, Cello and Flute


Romeo and Juliet (2015)

Bass, Cello, Guitar and Sax

Las Mariposas Saltan al Vacio (2014)

Piano, Cello, Sax and Electronics

The Two Gentleman of Verona (2014)

Guitar, Flute, Recorder and Percussion

The Little Prince (2014)

Drums, Bass, Guitar, Piano and Electronics

Máxima Seguridad (2013)


The Imaginary Invalid (2013)

Chamber Orchestra

Midsummer's Night Dream (2013)

Piano, Guitar, Viola, Violin, Alto Sax, Recorder and Percussion

La Cándida Eréndira (2013)

Guitar and Percussion

Algún día nos Iremos (2012)

Piano, Guitar, Flute, Cello, Toy Piano and Electronics

Apesta (2012)

Piano and Electronics

Hippolytus (2012)

Voices and Percussion

French Farces (2012)

Melodica, Guitar and Flute

Twelfh Night (2011)

Chamber Orchestra

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Concert Music

Ephases (2015)

String Quartet


Inquieto (2014)

Solo Violin

His Dawn (2013)

Solo Piano

En Canoa (2011)

Jazz Trio

Travesuras (2010)

Solo Violin

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